SPORTEC® color


SPORTEC® color品質堅韌、易於清潔、防水,非常適合用於健身場所、零售店、展示廳、器材室,以及冰上運動場。

產品具卓越的耐用性和抗機械磨損能力使SPORTEC® color成為橡膠地材之冠。豐富的顏色和色調搭配充分支援客戶的個性化設計,為您提供美觀、舒適、緩和衝擊和低噪音的室內場所。


SPORTEC® color rugged, easy-to-clean water-repellent floor covering fitness and gym facilities retail outlets, exhibition halls, equipment storage rooms and ice sports stadiums durability resistance to mechanical wear milton technologies


SPORTEC® color rugged, easy-to-clean water-repellent floor covering fitness and gym facilities retail outlets, exhibition halls, equipment storage rooms and ice sports stadiums durability resistance to mechanical wear milton technologies


SPORTEC® color rugged, easy-to-clean water-repellent floor covering fitness and gym facilities retail outlets, exhibition halls, equipment storage rooms and ice sports stadiums durability resistance to mechanical wear milton technologies


SPORTEC® color rugged, easy-to-clean water-repellent floor covering fitness and gym facilities retail outlets, exhibition halls, equipment storage rooms and ice sports stadiums durability resistance to mechanical wear milton technologies












原材料: 優質回收橡膠輪胎顆粒(黑色),混合5, 10, 15, 20, 3050 % EPDM彩色顆粒,由PU彈性體粘合劑粘合                           


彩色顆粒5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%: 黑-藍-灰, 黑-藍, 黑-紅, 黑-綠, 黑-淺黃, 黑-灰

彩色顆粒 50%: 黑-藍, 黑-紅黑-灰黑-橙 (2)

公差: 長寬± 1.5%, 厚度± 0.3 mm 


SPORTEC® color 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50:

厚度 卷長 / 卷寬

6毫米 / 20 米 / 1.5 米

SPORTEC® color 15尺寸:

厚度 卷長 / 卷寬

4亳米 / 30 米 / 1.5 米

5亳米 / 24米 / 1.5 米

6亳米 / 20米 / 1.5 米

8亳米 / 15米 / 1.5 米

10亳米 / 12米 / 1.5 米

12亳米 / 10米 / 1.5 米


(1) 實物與圖片或會有輕微色差

(2) 可要求其它顏色選擇